27 May, 2018
August birthstone
August birthstone poem
Birthstone Poem
Peridot, August birthstone poem and fun facts
27 May, 2018
August birthstone
August birthstone poem
Birthstone Poem
♡ Fun facts about Peridot you might like to know:
1. Peridot is a French word that is derived from the Arabic word “faridat” meaning gem.
2. Peridot is one of few gems occurred in only one color, green, ranging from lime to olive shades.
3. Peridot is a relatively inexpensive gemstone under 4 carats. Any stone weighing over 4 carats costs considerably more.
4. Peridot is believed to bring wearer to attract love, to enhance confidence, and to alleviate depression, anger, and other negative emotions. Many believed that this August birthstone brings good luck, health, and peace.